Kade is now 5 months old and is getting so big! He has two teeth now, so i have to watch out when i feed him! Watch out, he bites! He scoots everywhere and can sit up by himself. In fact, the other day he was on his stomach and he moved into a sitting position all by himself! So much for him being my slow one! I was hoping to have at least one that wasn't so eager to move. Maybe my next one will be mellow. We'll see! Kade can also lift himself up onto his hands and knees. He's going to be crawling soon i just know it!
I have also been feeding him the rice cereal but he does NOt like it so i tried real baby food. He LOVED it! He downed the carrots and squash in no time. He would cry everytime i took the spoon out of his mouth. I couldnt' feed him fast enough!
He loves to play peek-a-boo and loves to get attention. Sometimes he gets too much from his siblings, in which i have
to come to the rescue! I've found Vince sitting on his face, jumping off his back, Leah and Sadie carrying him by his arms and legs, rolling around with him, Vince trying to feed him pretzels/other snacks! You name it, i've caught my children doing it to him! Kade is one tough kid! If i had Leah, Sadie, and Vince has my older siblings i would make that same face!
Vince is now 21 months old and is starting to talk so well. He says thankyou all the time and has started using sentences. For instance, i asked if he wanted some left over dinner and he said, "No, it's hot mom!" I was surprised! He also LOVES trains and cars. My worst nightmare came true when he brought me the Thomas the Train movie and says, "Choo-CHoo mom. Choo-choo!" (i can't stand that movie!) But he does like "Cars" too, so i try to convince him to watch that instead. He just keeps on getting cuter and cuter every day. I love my little buddy!